Wedding reception photos - Henry Knoche and Mary Lou Ruhlman - 14 July 1945

l - r:  Stanley Andrzejewski'Andy', Henry Knoche, Leo Ruhlman inside doorway, Wally Jeske - by beerhouse
l - r: Stanley "Andy" Andrzejewski, Henry E. Knoche, Leo Rhulman inside doorway,
Wally Jeske - home on leave from the SeaBees - by the beer house

RosieSchulte, Wally Jeske, Hooke with his wife and daughter, MaryLou Ruhlman,
        Celia Ruhlman and Margaret Ruhlman in front of their house, JoeSchulte.jpg
l - r: Rosie Schulte, Wally Jeske, Hooke with his wife and daughter, MaryLou Ruhlman,
Celia and Margaret Ruhlman in front of their house, Joe Schulte

WallyJeske, RosieSchulte, Sadie Schulte, Jean playing cards
at table: Wally Jeske, Sadie Schulte, Jean playing cards with Rosie Schulte watching them
Rosie wrote in her scrapbook: "I am giving Wally heck"